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Project scope

The Queensland Government through the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Council has upgraded the public boat ramp and trailer parking to provide safe and easy access into one of our region’s busiest waterways, the Mooloolah River.

The new two-lane boat ramp, floating walkway and car-parking upgrade were identified as a high priority in the 2017 Recreational Boating Facilities Demand Forecasting Study.

The new facility has been designed to take pressure off the popular Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba and La Balsa Park, Buddina boat ramps. It will assist in meeting community demand for boat launching facilities over the next 20 years.

The upgrade included:

  • A revetment wall on the northern side to protect against erosion
  • A new two-lane boat ramp with floating walkway to improve access (currently single lane boat access)
  • A new sealed carpark with 32 car-trailer parks along with standard vehicle parking

Council is pleased to be delivering this project in partnership with the Australian and Queensland governments. The state's Maritime Infrastructure Investment Program is funding the boat ramp and floating walkway.

The Australian Government is contributing to Council's landside works through its 2020-2024 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program and the Queensland Government through its South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program.

Aerial view of Outrigger Boat Ramp and car park at Minyama

Where to from here

Stage 1 construction started early September 2023 and was completed in July 2024.

Following the completion of the new boat ramp, Council is planning to deliver community assets as part of Stage 2 works which includes a new public amenities and landscaping works for those who wish to stay ashore.

Stage 2 is subject to further investigation and funding.

Community Updates

Project News - Outrigger boat ramp 21 August 2023
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Project News - Outrigger boat ramp 21 August 2023

Construction Notification - Update 05 September 2023
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Construction Notification - Update 05 September 2023


To contact Council’s project team please email   

[email protected]