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Council is working with the community to develop a landscape plan for Lake Weyba foreshore park. Lake Weyba is a large shallow lake fringed by natural landscapes. The foreshore currently provides the community with access to the lake for a variety of recreational purposes.

The Lake Weyba project locality plan (PDF, 2.36MB) provides an overview of the area.

Project scope

The landscape plan provides a vision for the future of the foreshore park. The landscape plan aims to enhance the sites:

  • environmental values
  • recreational opportunities
  • access to open space, the lake, and recreation trails.

Project update

Council has engaged the community to help shape Lake Weyba foreshore's future. This will meet the growing recreational needs of the community.

The project team has reviewed community feedback collected from surveys, letters and emails. The team considered the feedback  when developing the draft landscape plan.

View the draft Lake Weyba foreshore landscape plan (PDF, 5.45MB).

Comments that relate specifically to the lake will be sent to Noosa Council. NSC will include these comments as feedback when developing the Noosa River Plan.

Where to from here

The Lake Weyba foreshore landscape plan presents a vision for the area with several key outcomes. These outcomes can be delivered in stages over a number of years subject to available funding.

Council will actively seek grant funding from various sources to assist in delivering the plan.

Updates on the implementation of the plan will be made available on this website.


Lake Weyba is a shallow tidal lake surrounded by a variety of vegetation including mangroves, saltpans and open forest. Melaleuca wetlands dominate the shorelines. The lake adjoins sections of the Noosa National Park, residential areas, open space and  native vegetation. With its variety of natural values, Lake Weyba is recognised as a nationally important wetland.

The lake is used mostly by shallow-draft boats such as catamarans, kayaks, canoes, kite surfers, paddle boards and small tinnies. The foreshore has limited facilities with no formal boat accesses to the lake. An existing natural trail meanders along the foreshore and is used by riders and walkers.


For more information, email landscape design and planning or contact council's landscape design and planning officer.