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Council may request payment of a bond as part of your approval. This is to ensure development and building works are completed.

Types of bonds

Bonds can be for:

  • house removal security (building)
  • road works and stormwater maintenance
  • landscaping maintenance
  • water sensitive urban design bio-retention basin maintenance
  • revegetation/rehabilitation performance
  • uncompleted road works and stormwater
  • uncompleted landscaping
  • performance.


All bonds, including bank guarantees, must be accompanied by the relevant form:

The form ensures council has the necessary details to:

  • register bonds against the correct development or building works, and
  • return the bond to the correct entity upon completion of works.

Contact council's development services for assistance or to request release of your bond or bank guarantee.

Payment of bonds

Various bonds attract different fees. These fees are listed in council's fees and charges.

Bond payments can be made by:

  • bank cheque, 
  • cheque, 
  • cash, 
  • bank guarantee or 
  • electronic funds transfer (EFT).

See the relevant form (above) for detailed instructions.

Council does not accept bond payment by:

  • credit card 
  • through MyCouncil, or
  • insurance bonds 

Development bonds

Development bonds are held by council in accordance with Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014planning scheme policy for development works. They must include an approved schedule which defines specific timeframes for completion of work.

As part of your request for release of your bond or bank guarantee, you need to include:

  • certifications or evidence of compliance with development conditions of the approval
  • council's development approval number
  • site address, including estate and stage if applicable
  • bond application reference number, if known
  • bond amount paid.