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Schedule 6 - Planning scheme policies

Schedule 6 contains the planning scheme policies that support the planning scheme.

Planning scheme policies relate to Sippy Downs town centre, overlay codes, Utility code, other codes (e.g. development works), the Palmview structure plan, environmental offsets, performance bonds and other information local government may require.

Contact council for a complete copy of schedule 6 planning scheme policies.

SC6.1Planning scheme policy index (PDF, 102KB)
SC6.2Planning scheme policy for Landsborough (urban design guidelines) (PDF, 541KB)
SC6.3Planning scheme policy for Sippy Downs town centre (PDF, 8365KB)
SC6.4Planning scheme policy for the acid sulfate soils overlay code (PDF, 138KB)
SC6.5Planning scheme policy for the airport environs overlay code (PDF, 189KB)
SC6.6Planning scheme policy for the biodiversity, waterways and wetlands overlay code (PDF, 201KB)
SC6.7Planning scheme policy for the bushfire hazard overlay code (PDF, 258KB)
SC6.8Planning scheme policy for the extractive resources overlay code (PDF, 102KB)
SC6.9Planning scheme policy for the flood hazard overlay code (PDF, 243KB)
SC6.10Planning scheme policy for heritage and character areas overlay code (PDF, 106MB)
SC6.11Planning scheme policy for the landslide hazard and steep land overlay code (PDF, 170KB)
SC6.12Planning scheme policy for the scenic amenity overlay code (PDF, 107KB)
SC6.13Planning scheme policy for the utility code (PDF, 132KB)
SC6.14Planning scheme policy for development works (PDF, 2500KB)
SC6.15Planning scheme policy for the nuisance code (PDF, 179KB)
SC6.16Planning scheme policy for the reconfiguring a lot code (PDF, 137KB)
SC6.17Planning scheme policy for the transport and parking code (PDF, 6479KB)
SC6.18Planning scheme policy for waste management code (PDF, 901KB)
SC6.19Planning scheme policy for Palmview Structure Plan (PDF, 5021KB)
SC6.20Planning scheme policy for biodiversity offsets (PDF, 168KB)
SC6.21Planning scheme policy for other information local government may require (PDF, 124KB)
SC6.22Planning scheme policy for performance bonds (PDF, 101KB)