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The environment levy annual report showcases the program’s achievements for each financial year. It also provides details on how levy funds were spent.

View the 2022/23 environment levy annual report (PDF, 4858KB).

Levy highlights from the 2022/23 financial year:

  •  $1.40 million protecting and enhancing land acquired through the Environment Levy.
  • More than $1 million invested in coastal dune rehabilitation and shoreline erosion management.
  • $610,000 supporting local environment-focused community groups through our partnership programs.
  • $475,143 invested into building our knowledge through a range of research management and monitoring projects.
  • $327,088 awarded to 83 private landholders through Landholder Environment Grants to support their conservation efforts.
  • $211,500 invested into erosion and sediment control for waterways improvement and protection

Previous annual reports