Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Projects and programs

Council and community work together across a range of projects and programs to support the natural environment.

Projects and programs

Council and the community are working together across a range of environment levy projects. These projects are delivering outcomes to protect and enhance our natural environment. The environment levy program includes projects and initiatives to:

  • buy, protect and enhance environmentally significant land
  • build our knowledge through monitoring and research
  • deliver on-ground environmental projects
  • assist and empower the community to take environmental action
  • undertake other activities to support our natural environment.

Levy projects support the delivery of the transformational actions from the environment and liveability strategy. Together, these actions are helping to secure a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast for future generations.

To view the full list of environment levy projects, please refer to the environment levy program (PDF, 147KB).

For further information on levy grants or partnerships, please visit the environment levy funding web page.

Information about the land for wildlife program and voluntary conservation agreements can be found on the get involved in conservation web page.