Environment Levy Land Acquisition Program
Levy funds are invested into the acquisition of environmentally significant land to protect and enhance habitat areas.
Council purchases land using Environment Levy funding to help achieve the goals of the Environment and Liveability Strategy. We are aiming to:
- protect, preserve and enhance our natural environment and wildlife corridors
- consolidate and grow council’s conservation reserve network
- preserve native plants and animals
- create and protect new habitat areas to offset unavoidable vegetation loss.
Environment Levy land acquisition interactive map
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Recent land acquisition program highlights:
- One-of-a-kind hilltop with incredibly rare grevillea now protected
- 108ha forest link secured in ‘stronghold’ for biodiversity
- Reserve expansion boosts habitat for endangered koalas, gliders
- 'Critical link' secured for rare and threatened species
- Mountain 'forever home' secured for koalas, cockatoos