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Council purchases land using environment levy funding to help achieve the goals of the Environment and Liveability Strategy. We are aiming to:

  • protect, preserve and enhance our natural environment and wildlife corridors
  • consolidate and grow council’s conservation reserve network
  • preserve native plants and animals
  • create and protect new habitat areas to offset unavoidable vegetation loss.

Environment levy land acquisition interactive map

Recent land acquisition program highlights:



1 property purchased to date:

  • 14.31 ha of high value habitat at Mount Mellum- expanding East Mount Mellum Nature Refuge to 52.53 ha.

Previous financial years

Previous financial years
  • 68 hectares of high-value habitat at Witta - expanding Kirby's Road environment reserve to 280 hectares and further consolidating landscape connectivity between Maleny and Kondalilla national parks
  • 65 hectares at Coochin Creek - containing high biodiversity values, further consolidating the regional inter-urban break major green space and protecting 450m of Coochin Creek (flowing into the RAMSAR designated Pumicestone Passage)
  • 19 hectares within the Blue Heart Sunshine Coast project area - expanding Coolum Creek environment reserve to 465 hectares
  • 13 hectares in Verrierdale, expanding an existing protected area of very high biodiversity values to 37 hectares.