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The Regional Arts Infrastructure Framework 2019-2041 (RAIF) provides an agreed strategic direction for the delivery of a viable, integrated and functional network of arts infrastructure to respond to the arts and cultural needs of the Sunshine Coast (local government area) community as it grows into a major region of over 500,000 people.

The objectives of the RAIF are to provide a network of arts and cultural infrastructure by identifying the:

  • role and function
  • space requirements
  • preferred locations and co-location opportunities
  • priorities and required timeframes to raise the arts and cultural profile of the Sunshine Coast
  • opportunities to raise the arts and cultural profile of the Sunshine Coast.

The infrastructure network aims to support the development of the current and future arts and cultural sector, by providing spaces to learn, practice, connect, collaborate, work, perform and showcase.

It also describes a network that is reflective of the Sunshine Coast landscape, character and cultural heritage, including First Nations requirements.

In developing the RAIF, arts disciplines considered included:

  • literature
  • music (all forms)
  • theatre
  • musical theatre
  • opera
  • dance (all forms)
  • other performing arts such as circus, comedy, puppetry, visual arts and crafts, screen, film, television, online
  • arts education and training
  • community arts and cultural development
  • and emerging and experimental arts.

The RAIF aligns to one of the key actions in the Sunshine Coast Creative Arts Plan 2023-2038 (PDF, 3.28MB). Endorsed by council in November 2019, the RAIF includes 2 important appendices, the Interpretive Centre and Collection Store Feasibility Report 2019 (PDF, 2.98MB) and the Sunshine Coast Libraries Network Plan 2019-2041 (PDF, 1.67MB).

Find out more and download a copy of the Regional Arts Infrastructure Framework Summary Report 2019-2041 (PDF, 4.23MB) 2019-2041, or view the full version (PDF, 3.54MB).