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Audience and market research for the arts

A report confirming arts and culture make Sunshine Coast a better place.

Audience and market research for the arts

Arts and culture play a major role in the liveability of the Sunshine Coast and make for a more meaningful life, according to the findings of a major research study.

In 2020, the Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation and council worked with Patternmakers to carry out market and audience development research. The research was designed to understand and develop audiences in the region and support the Sunshine Coast Creative Arts Plan.

This research aimed to understand:

  • key audience segments in the Sunshine Coast region
  • identify ways to deepen engagement
  • highlight opportunities for new arts and cultural experiences in 2020 and beyond.

This report explores the research findings collected from more than 600 participants.

The research included:

  • in-depth interviews
  • focus groups
  • an online survey of audience databases of venues and events based in the Sunshine Coast region.

Explore the report (PDF, 3.38MB) and summary (PDF, 1.85MB).