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Organisations that council have an ongoing relationship with, either through sponsorship, in-kind support or a formalised agreement to help strengthen and develop arts on the Sunshine Coast.

  • Arts Queensland: Arts Queensland is dedicated to growing a vibrant and sustainable arts sector in Queensland, through the advocacy, development and empowerment of artists. More information
  • Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance: The Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance (SCCA) is a not-for-profit, arts advocacy organisation, governed by a member-elected volunteer Board. We connect the dots between creative thinkers, businesses, places, supporters, target markets, audiences and key stakeholders through advocacy, learning, networking and partnerships. More information
  • Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation: The Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation (SCAF) is a registered charitable organisation supporting local artists and arts orgs through fundraising and philanthropic investment. SCAF offers a range of services to the local sector, including donation capability, auspicing of grants, partnership projects, professional development and their annual donation campaign 'gifted' which raises money from donors and invests in the creative development of local artists. More information
  • Regional Arts Services Network: A state-wide approach to increasing arts engagement in regional Queensland through building capacity, strengthening networks, and celebrating stories. More information
  • Sunshine Coast Screen Collective: fostering the advancement of the screen-based industry on the Sunshine Coast. More Information
  • Arts Connect:  Supporting ARTists & CONNECTing communities. The Arts Connect vision is to see artists thrive in a nurturing environment, whilst showcasing their work to an engaged community. They run workshops, masterclasses and member exhibitions, as well as events such as Open Studios Sunshine Coast and Sculpture on the Edge. More information
  • Kenilworth Arts Council: Kenilworth Arts Council Inc. promotes arts activities and participation via exhibitions, competitions, workshops and festival. More information
  • Maleny Community Centre: The Maleny Community Centre provides a range of venues and facilities to support the arts and cultural activities of the Sunshine Coast.
  • Anywhere Festival: A festival of performances anywhere but where you expect to find them. More information
  • Buderim Craft Cottage: Buderim Craft Cottage  is a community fostered by members reaching out, sharing skills, working together & caring for each other. More information
  • SCAIP - Old Ambulance Station: ​The Sunshine Coast Arts Industry Precinct Inc (SCAIP) leases and manages the Old Ambulance Station. The Old Ambulance Station is an engine of growth, a social enterprise which sustains itself financially to enable creativity. Old Ambulance Station offers venues and facilities, free services (advice, clinics, long table dinners, creative and social enterprise projects and professional development services. More information
  • Caloundra Arts Centre Association Inc. (C.A.C.A.) currently has 20 different arts and crafts groups using their facility at 5 North Street Caloundra. There is over 560 members at the present time who share a passion, express their art, learn new techniques and share with a friendly community. More information.