Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Future careers

See what career opportunities are likely to be available on the Sunshine Coast in the year 2025 and beyond. Council is providing a preview to local secondary school students through the future careers+ program.

Council’s regional economic development strategy identifies 7 high value industries that offer the greatest potential to succeed as the region’s economy grows through to 2033.

Our future careers program highlights the impact that technology and innovation will have on these 7 high value industries and jobs of the future. High school students from across the region engage with hands-on interactive displays at events and activities such as:

For more details about these activities and programs, please download the innovation and entrepreneurship programs for young people flyer (PDF, 1065KB).

Mayor's Telstra innovation awards

Connecting young people to opportunities

Council has partnered with the My Weekly Preview magazine as part of the future careers program which highlights the wealth of information and opportunities available to help connect and support young people and their parents. This proactive approach ensures students are prepared to meet the future needs of our growing economy. Read the special my weekly preview future careers feature (PDF, 3281KB).

Career pathways

The Education and Research High Value Industry Taskforce has created a series of brochures and events which identify career opportunities in the year 2025, aligned to global trends and the Sunshine Coast growth projects.

These future career opportunities (PDF, 1187KB) are all underpinned by ICT and digital themes, a prediction shared by leading commentators world-wide.

For more information about the career pathways projected for the seven high-value industries, please download the industry brochures below:

Where to learn about entrepreneurship and innovation

TAFE Queensland East Coast

Certificate III Information and Digital Media Technology - entrepreneurship and innovation.

University of the Sunshine Coast

Cultivating our future

Our region has a unique entrepreneurial ecosystem with a network of education programs, co-working spaces, advocacy, events and meet ups. For more details, please visit our skills and capacity building page.

Skills and capacity building

Skills and capacity building

Advancing the regions digital and innovation skills is a focus shared across council, local education institutions and various government agencies.