Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

The ecosystem

Leading social commentator Bernard Salt recently called the Sunshine Coast the entrepreneurship capital of Australia, based on the proportion of the workforce who owned their own business.

Our region has a unique entrepreneurial ecosystem network of education programs, business incubators, coworking spaces, advocacy events and meetups which actively support and encourage innovation, new ideas, entrepreneurs and startups, which have been captured in the Sunshine Coast entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem map.

Download the full size Sunshine Coast entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem map (PDF, 444KB)

More details about our region’s ecosystem, programs and support are available in the Sunshine Coast entrepreneurship and innovation brochure (PDF, 2834KB).

Sunshine Coast: The place to be report informs and guides the development of future programs that will encourage further innovation and entrepreneurial activity.

Our entrepreneurial community

Our unique region and way of life is a magnet for big thinkers, experienced leaders and world class talent. It’s the place where they come to do world class work without compromising their aspirations for family, health and life.


The region has a collaborative and dynamic startup community supported by a number of incubators, accelerators, co-working centres and maker spaces.

Collaboration and leadership

Our innovation ecosystem supports entrepreneurs and nurtures ideas through industry collaboration and supported by regional leadership.

Skills and capacity building

A continued investment in talent and skills is crucial to preparing our workforce with the knowledge and experience they need to compete in a global marketplace.