Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Market stalls and temporary food business licence

If you are planning on selling food at a market stall or event you may need a food business licence. Find out more about the licensing process and fees.

If you are planning on selling food at the markets or an event you may need a food business licence. 

Temporary food stall licences are available as an:

  1. annual licence
  2. one off event for up to 4 days.

Before applying for a licence you should read the food business licence FAQs (DOCX, 331KB) to check if you require a licence or if it is covered by an exemption.

Applying for a temporary food business licence

Review these steps for getting a temporary food business licence.

Step 1 - Submit a temporary food business licence application form

You will need to supply:

  • completed temporary food business licence application form (DOCX, 278KB) (nominating annual or temporary)
  • food safety supervisor (nominated on form, only required for annual licence)
  • food stall floor plan
  • fees associated with making an application (fees located on the form).

You should apply approximately 20 days out from when you intend to start the business. Submit your food licence application by email to [email protected].

Step 2 - Final inspection

Council will contact you to organise a time for your final inspection. Most applicants will set up the stall at their home to demonstrate they have all the required equipment including:

  • pop up gazebo (or similar) with three walls and flooring
  • hand washing station - 20L water container with tap, soap, paper towels and 10L catch bucket
  • dishwashing station - 20L water container with tap, soap and 10L catch bucket
  • sanitiser
  • thermometer
  • benches, eskies, sneeze guard etc.

To see an example of the equipment required for a temporary food stall, view the artists impression of a food stall and the minimum food safety standards for temporary events fact sheet (DOCX, 227KB).

If council determines that your application complies with the Food Act 2006, you will be issued a food business licence certificate which will need to be displayed when you are operating.

Note: if you are applying for a one off event licence, you will be issued a licence without a final inspection. However council officers frequently inspect events and you may be inspected while operating.

For additional resources please visit The Food Pantry.