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There are a range of industry-specific measures to help you and your staff. Contact your industry body to keep up to date with help available for your industry.

Sole traders

Sole traders

Australian government support

Find COVID-19 financial assistance available to business.

Small and medium businesses

Small and medium businesses

Mental health support for small business owners

NewAccess for small business owners is a free and confidential mental health coaching program, developed by Beyond Blue to give small business owners, including sole traders the support they need. The program is free and confidential.

Financial and business counsellors

Businesses can contact one of the Queensland Government-funded tourism business financial counsellors or COVID-19 small business counsellors who can assist with identifying potential sources of funding and business support. The counsellors provide free confidential assistance to businesses with:

  • understanding their finances: not everyone goes into businesses with an accounting background, a financial counsellor can help businesses to better understand their finances and introduce better ways to manage the financial side of their business
  • accessing government assistance: national, state and local governments have many programs and grants that are designed to support small business, a financial counsellor can help find these and determine if a business is eligible to apply
  • dealing with debt: for businesses having trouble servicing their debts, a financial counsellor can work with them to get control of debts and negotiate or structure a manageable solution before it's too late
  • referrals: when additional expert financial, legal or human resource advice is needed, financial counsellors can refer to the tourism business professional advice rebate so a business can receive to receive a rebate of up to $2500 based on matched funding for these additional professional services. Counsellors can also assist to connect people with specialist social and welfare support.


  • if you are a business able to supply to other businesses who are experiencing supply chain issues, please register your business on the ICN Gateway and complete your company profile comprehensively. When specific supply chain opportunities are identified that match your business’ capabilities based on your profile, you will be notified of the opportunity by email that an expression of interest (EOI) has become available
  • local jobs program - the local jobs program supports tailored approaches to accelerate reskilling, upskilling and employment in 25 regions across Australia. Find out more.

Food and agribusiness

Food and agribusiness
  • Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network officers can help agribusiness employers. They provide free advice on workforce attraction, retention and ongoing development of the workforce to all Queensland agribusinesses, regardless of commodity or organisation membership. They will work with you to understand your workforce needs and connect you with the most appropriate solution to help grow your business. If you’re an employer in agriculture in Queensland and need additional advice on these services, you can contact your local agriculture workforce officer
  • Food and Agribusiness Network (FAN) is providing members online video sessions on hot topics, a shop local campaign and much more. Get in touch today.

Tourism and hospitality

Tourism and hospitality

The Queensland department of innovation and tourism industry development has some great resources to help you. Take a look at their business support page for more details.

Financial and business counsellors

Businesses can contact one of the Queensland Government-funded tourism business financial counsellors or COVID-19 small business counsellors who can assist with identifying potential sources of funding and business support. The counsellors provide free confidential assistance to businesses with:

  • understanding their finances: not everyone goes into businesses with an accounting background, a financial counsellor can help businesses to better understand their finances and introduce better ways to manage the financial side of their business
  • accessing government assistance: national, state and local governments have many programs and grants that are designed to support small business, a financial counsellor can help find these and determine if a business is eligible to apply
  • dealing with debt: for businesses having trouble servicing their debts, a financial counsellor can work with them to get control of debts and negotiate or structure a manageable solution before it's too late
  • referrals: when additional expert financial, legal or human resource advice is needed, financial counsellors can refer to the tourism business professional advice rebate so a business can receive to receive a rebate of up to $2500 based on matched funding for these additional professional services. Counsellors can also assist to connect people with specialist social and welfare support.



The National Retail Association has created a raft of posters, social media tiles and other supporting material for retailers to use.


  • Export Supply Chain Service commenced 1 August 2022 and will give Australian exporters the real-time information and insights needed to navigate complex global supply chains post pandemic. Australian exporters of perishable produce will now use this service that replaces the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) that was the temporary, targeted emergency measure, that maintained essential airfreight supply lines impacted by COVID-19 disruptions throughout the height of the global pandemic
  • Export Market Development Grants program helps Australian businesses grow their exports in international markets. These grants encourage small to medium enterprises market and promote their goods and services globally.



Support for fisheries: market diversification and resilience grants are available to support activities such as market evaluation studies, market visits, training, new processing equipment and boat modifications necessary to meet new market requirements. 

The catch area for tropical rock lobster will be extended for 3 months to reduce operating costs for quota holders and enable alternative markets to be developed. 

Fishing boat license fees and quota fees for tropical rock lobster and coral trout will be temporarily waived. For further information contact the DAF Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23.
