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Below is a list of key tips for businesses dealing with the impact of COVID-19.

Emergency hotlines

  • Federal Government Business Hotline - 13 28 46
  • Queensland Business Hotline - 1300 654 687
  • Australian Taxation Office Emergency Hotline - 1800 806 218
  • Centrelink Hotline - 13 74 68
  • CCIQ HR Hotline - 1300 731 988.

Keep business costs down

Assess costs and see if any reductions are possible. This could include:

  • electricity
  • rent
  • staffing levels
  • bank fees.

These people may be able to assist:

  • energy provider
  • bank
  • accountant
  • landlord.

Keep customers up to date

COVID has changed business. Keeping your customers informed of changes to your business is important. This includes changes to:

  • opening hours
  • location
  • product
  • services
  • contact details.

Some great ways to do this are:

  • use social media
  • update Google Maps
  • email communication
  • signage.

Your business obligations

Your business obligations
  • Workplace obligations and entitlements - help and advice for employers with entitlements from Fair Work Australia
  • Learn about COVID-19 and Australian workplace laws
  • Employer and business obligations - find out how to meet your employer and business obligations and isolation requirements if you're affected by COVID-19 and understanding your privacy obligations to your staff
  • Standing down staff, payment in self-isolation, isolation leave, hours reduction and more - the Fair Work Ombudsman answers your questions from the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
  • Super guarantee payments - as an employer, you still need to meet your super obligations for your employees. For assistance, contact the ATO
  • Keep on top of your responsibilities and ensure your staff know where they can find any information they might want. Employee rights, entitlement and pay.

Employee support

Employee support


  • Centrelink Employment Services and Job Network - 13 28 50
  • Jobactive - 13 62 58
  • For help in accessing the appropriate service call 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
  • CCIQ HR Hotline - 1300 731 988.

Information and support

  • Tax returns - Remember to tell your accountant this tax time if you worked from home during the COVID-19 outbreak as that might change what you can claim
  • Fair Work Ombudsman – Provides education, assistance, advice and guidance to employers, employees, outworkers, outworker entities and organisations.

Workplace health and safety requirements

Workplace health and safety requirements
  • Work Safe Queensland -  As an employer, you're required to ensure the health and safety of your workers. Safe Work Australia provides advice on work health and safety requirements in your workplace, including designing flexible work arrangements, safe telecommuting, ergonomic guide to computer-based workstations and risk management information
  • ComCare - provides great resources for employers and employees.

Business advice and support

Business advice and support

Sunshine Coast Council professional advice support program is designed to connect critically impacted local businesses to confidential professional advice to support them through the business impacts resulting from COVID-19. Council will provide eligible businesses up to 1 hour of professional advice in accounting and insolvency, human resources or legal services.

Financial advice and support

  • Australian banks will pause business loan repayments and interest charges for six months. Any business that has not yet been contacted should call their bank to apply for assistance. After six months, the loan period will be extended or the level of loan repayments will be increased. Westpac is offering general financial and business advice to help deal with the impacts of the virus. You do not have to be a Westpac customer to access the service, but any business already banking with Westpac may find additional services available
  • Business assistance finder - learn what support you may be eligible for
  • Mentoring - Business Queensland has a range of resources and support services available for impacted businesses who feel they need additional mentoring or assistance
  • Accountant - For an accountant’s advice on how you can protect your small business from COVID-19 head to MYOB.com
  • Tax relief - if you are experiencing difficulties with tax obligations because of COVID-19, you can phone the Australian Taxation Office Emergency Support Infoline on 1800 806 218 for help tailored to your circumstances or email [email protected]
  • Payment and Service Finder - helps employers understand what they are eligible for and how they can claim online
  • Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning has compiled a useful factsheet of assistance[520KB] available to you
  • Crisis planning - PWC offers tips for finding new opportunities, building resilience and navigating future shocks.

Travelling for work

Travelling for work
