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Direct debit request service agreement (DDRSA)

Payment frequency

DUE DATEThe net total payable shown on your rate notice (including any supplementary notices) on the date for payment of your rates for the nominated property
WEEKLYCommencing on the date specified then on the same day each week. If scheduled deduction day falls on a public holiday then payment will be processed on the next business working day
FORTNIGHTLYCommencing on the date specified then on the same day each fortnight. If scheduled deduction day falls on a public holiday then payment will be processed on the next business working day
MONTHLYCommencing on the date specified then on the same date each month (between 1st and 28th of the month). If scheduled deduction day falls on a weekend or public holiday then payment will be processed on the next business working day

Please note the following important information:

  • it is the responsibility of the ratepayer to have sufficient clear funds available in the relevant account, by the scheduled deduction due date, to allow the payment of the debit items according to the relevant DDR
  • to cancel or defer a payment (eg: stop scheduled payment, amend deduction amount, cancel arrangement) to your DDR either contact council's Customer Contact Centre on (07) 5475 7272 or send an email to [email protected]. A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for any of these requests
  • if you sell your property you should advise council immediately (by phone, email or letter) once a contract is signed, to terminate this arrangement. If another property is purchased a new DDR must be completed for that property
  • a new DDR is required to be completed for any changes to customers bank account details
  • a council rate notice will be issued to the customer every 6 months advising the rates balance
  • individual receipts will not be issued for payments made via direct debit
  • if a payment dishonours any funds and/or discount applied to the rate account will be reversed
  • discount does not apply if there are arrears of rates on the land
  • council will provide 14 days notice to the customer if there is any variation to any of the debit arrangements
  • if there is any dispute in regards to a direct debit payment that has been processed please place request in writing to council. Request can be either emailed to [email protected] or by letter to Sunshine Coast Council, Locked Bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre, QLD 4560
  • allow 14 days for any amendments to take effect or to respond to a dispute
  • if our investigations show that your account has been incorrectly debited, we will arrange for the financial institution to adjust your account accordingly. We will also notify you in writing of the amount by which your account has been adjusted. If, following our investigations, we believe on reasonable ground that your account has been correctly debited, we will respond to your query by providing you with reasons and copies of any evidence for this finding
  • if we cannot resolve the matter, you can still refer it to your financial institution, which will obtain details from you of the disputed payment and may lodge a claim on your behalf
  • for returned unpaid transactions, the following procedures or policies will apply:
    • we treat the payment as if it was never made
    • services may be suspended until the outstanding charges are paid, and/or
    • a fee may be applied for drawings that are returned unpaid. We reserve the right to cancel the direct debit arrangement if 3 payment defaults occur. The arrangement will be cancelled and further recovery action for outstanding debts may be taken
  • details may be provided to the bank in the event of a claim or relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit.


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