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Please note: The Sunshine Coast Mass Transit project was previously known as the light rail project during the pre-feasibility and feasibility processes undertaken by council in the last decade.

These early feasibility processes assessed the various mass transit options available at that time and the concluded that light rail would be the preferable option.

When the Business Case process commenced in 2018 the scope of the project was recast to consider a wider range of options, including other mass transit technologies. The references to “light rail” in documents such as the Integrated Transport Strategy are therefore a legacy of the background that informed those documents, rather than any indication that the council still favours light rail.

The endorsed Options Analysis recommended the following of options to be investigated in the Detailed Business Case:

  • quality bus corridor
  • bus rapid transit
  • trackless tram
  • light rail transit
  • wireless light rail transit.

The Options Analysis also recommended that other emerging mass transit technologies be considered as part of the Detailed Business Case.

The key documents produced since council started investigating mass transit options in 2011 can be found in the table below.

Sunshine Coast Mass Transit project documents
AMayoral Correspondence to the Honourable Mark Bailey MP - SCMT Options Analysis (PDF, 678.2KB)
BCEO Letter to Infrastructure Australia (PDF, 747.4KB)
CMinutes of Special Meeting 20 October 2021 (PDF, 1.7MB)
DSunshine Coast Mass Transit Options Analysis - September 2021 (PDF, 7.3MB)
ESunshine Coast Mass Transit Options Analysis Engagement Report - September 2021 (PDF, 14.6MB)
FDraft Sunshine Coast Mass Transit Options Analysis - April 2021 (PDF, 10.9MB)
GWorking Draft Preliminary Business Case & Options Analysis (PDF, 12.8MB)
HInterim Findings Report (PDF, 3MB)
IStrategic Business Case (Full Report) - 2019 (PDF, 5.7MB)
JStrategic Business Case (Summary Document) - 2019 (PDF, 6.4MB)
KPremier and Transport Minister Announcement - 2019
LUrban Transformation Directions Paper - 2017 (PDF, 2.5MB)
MProposed Route for Further Investigation (JPG, 638KB)
NConsultation Report - 2015 (PDF, 3.4MB)
OSunshine Coast Light Rail: Shaping Our Future - 2014 (PDF, 6.1MB)
PRoute Planning & Impact Assessment - 2013 (PDF, 11.6MB)
QA Line in the Sand (Full Report) Pre-feasibility and Rapid Economic Appraisal Report - 2012 (PDF, 5.1MB)
RA Line in the sand (summary) Pre-feasibility and rapid economic appraisal report - 2012 (PDF, 228KB)

Council meeting documents

Council meeting documents are available to be searched in the archive. Mass transit topics were discussed at the meetings which took place on the dates listed below:

  • 20 October 2021
  • 28 January 2021
  • 27 August 2020
  • 20 August 2020
  • 30 January 2020
  • 25 July 2019