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Mass transit options

The Options Analysis was endorsed by council 20 October 2021.

Mass transit options

To put it simply, mass transit is a convenient and easy-to-access public transport system which moves people efficiently. A well-designed system reduces car usage, especially at peak times, and may include:

  • buses, including articulated and double decker buses
  • trams or light rail vehicles
  • passenger trains

On 20 October 2021 council endorsed the Options Analysis to progress to the Queensland Government to lead the Detailed Business Case in partnership with council. The Options Analysis recommended the following options to be considered during the Detailed Business Case -

  • Quality bus corridor – a high-frequency bus service running in dedicated kerbside bus priority lanes with features such as high-quality vehicles, pre-paid boarding and quality bus stops
  • Bus Rapid Transit – 25 metre-long battery-powered, rubber tyred vehicles running at high frequency in a dedicated busway corridor mostly in the centre of the road with high-quality stations, pre-paid boarding and priority signalling
  • Light Rail Transit - 45 metre long modern rail vehicles running at high frequency on a dedicated trackway mostly in the centre of the road with high-quality stations, pre-paid boarding and priority signalling
  • Trackless tram - 32 metre long battery powered rubber tyred 'tram like' vehicles running at high frequency in a dedicated busway corridor mostly in the centre of the road with high-quality stations, pre-paid boarding and priority signalling
  • wLRT - A wire-free light rail system - identical to the light rail option, minus the overhead wires, with on-board batteries and charging equipment at select stations.
  • other emerging mass transit technologies.

The images below depict some of these options. Scroll across to see the alternatives.