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A private building certifier can tell you whether you need a building work approval. They will also assess your plans. Refer to the list of what needs building approval as a guide. 

The Development Assessment (DA) Rules are the rules for development assessment in Queensland. They outline the process for lodging, assessing and deciding an application. You can make this application through a private building certifier.

Understanding the approval and construction process for building work fact sheet.

Some building work needs assessment and approval under other legislation. This includes the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 or the Queensland Development Code.

Do I need building approval?

Do I need building approval?

A private building certifier will be able to tell whether you need a building work approval. Some minor building work may be accepted development or exempt building work. 

Refer to the list of what needs building approval as a guide. 

Your certifier will assess your proposed work. It must comply with the Building Act 1975 and associated standards. If it does, they will issue you a development permit for building work.

Your certifier can also lodge the associated plumbing applications on your behalf. Read more about plumbing applications. 

Record keeping and searches

Record keeping and searches

Your certifier must provide council with a copy of all building work documentation for our records.
We can search council’s records for documents relating to your property. These include building, plumbing and development records relating to your property.

Complying with planning schemes and development codes

Complying with planning schemes and development codes

Building certifiers cannot approve any work that conflicts with the local planning scheme or the Queensland Development Code. If you are unsure whether your work complies, you can complete a request for town planning appraisal.

If you need a variation to the requirements of the scheme or code, complete a request for concurrency agency response (building work). Council must receive this request before a building certifier can grant approval.

Inspections and certification

Inspections and certification

Your building permit sets out the mandatory inspections required during the construction process. The private building certifier who issued the permit must carry out these inspections.

Your licensed plumber will arrange for council to inspect any plumbing work. Read more about plumbing inspections.

Working with private building certifiers

Working with private building certifiers

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) regulates private building certifiers in Queensland. They ensure the maintenance of proper building standards. They also provide remedies for defective building work.

Accredited building certifiers must be registered with the QBCC. You can check with the QBCC for license details of a building certifier.

Business Queensland also have more information about working with private building certifiers.

Information for private building certifiers

Information for private building certifiers

MyCouncil allows users to access online services on behalf of a business.

Private building certifiers can register to access business services. Your information is only viewable by you.