Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Development work

Development work ensures compliance with conditions of approval or planning scheme requirements, including subdivisions and new developments

Development compliance activities are essential to ensure that development occurs lawfully. It minimises the risk of impacts on the environment, public health and safety. It also ensures that infrastructure is delivered to appropriate standards.

Council ensures development complies with the provisions of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. Under the scheme, conditions of approval specify how a development can be carried out.

You can search Development.i for past and current applications details on the Sunshine Coast.

Find out how to comment or make a submission on a development application.

Applications lodged under the Economic Development Act 2012 are not on Development.i. These are managed by Economic Development Queensland as priority development areas (PDA).

This includes Caloundra South PDA and Maroochydore City Centre PDA.

Find out more about your specific matter below.

Council is committed to ensuring accessibility for everyone, please contact council if you need assistance on this page.