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We have developed some documents to help you:

  • apply for a temporary home and
  • understand when a temporary home might be an option.

Please read the:

Applying for temporary home permit

To apply for a temporary home permit, you need to submit a temporary home application form.

If you would like to discuss your application or have questions about the process, we are here to help.

You can contact us via the following channels:

Online: You can get more information via the request for information online form.

Generally, we will respond to your request within three business days.

Email[email protected]

Phone: (07) 5475 7272

In person: Council has service counter locations at Maroochydore, Nambour and Caloundra. Please check the office locations page for any revised opening hours before visiting. Please visit us, we can help you get your application started.

Temporary home application form

To submit a temporary home application, you will need:

  • to complete the temporary home application form
  • to pay the $567 application fee (you may be eligible for a reduced fee; ask us how)
  • the property owner’s consent if you are not the property owner.

Include with your application:

  • a detailed site plan with the location, plans and specifications of the proposed temporary home and
  • details of water source, wastewater disposal and sanitary facilities. This includes toilet, showers, basins, sinks and
  • details of how you will screen the temporary home to protect the amenity of the area. This could be trees, landscaping, screens etc and
  • a description of the purpose of the temporary home.

What happens when I apply for a temporary home permit?

An Environmental Health Officer within the Healthy Places Unit will process your application.

This will take between two and four weeks. The timeframe is dependent on the quality and completeness of the application.

Questions to help you prepare your application

  1. What type of home am I applying for?
  2. How long will I need it for?
  3. What are the reasons I am requesting to live in a temporary home?
  4. How many people will be residing in the temporary home?
  5. What is the address of the property I would like to place the temporary home on?
  6. If I don’t own the property, will the owner give me written consent to live on the property?
  7. Is the property a designated bushfire prone area?
  8. Is the property a designated flood hazard area?
  9. Is the property a designated landslide hazard area or steep land area?
  10. Will the temporary home be able to fit on site with the required site setbacks?
  11. Where on the property am I proposing to site the temporary home?
  12. How will I screen the temporary home to protect the amenity of the areas for my new neighbours?
  13. Is there another temporary home on the property?
  14. Do I have a temporary home that is in good working order and in a good state of repair?
  15. Is there an adequate and continuous supply of clean water? I.e. for drinking, washing clothes, general household usage and toilets.
  16. Does the property have a household waste service?
  17. What sewerage management is available on the property?
  18. Will the property owner give me written approval to:
    • dispose of human waste into the dwelling house toilet?
    • use their toilet, laundry, and bathroom facilities?
  19. Is there an adequate area to dispose of greywater (if applicable)
  20. Where will I park my vehicles?
  21. Do I have any dogs or cats and are they registered with council?