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You need a sealed plan to create new land titles, easements and/or covenants and to transfer land to Council for drainage reserves and parks.

Council approves the survey plan once the subdivision or development is finalised and you have met all relevant conditions of the approval.

Before Council can approve your survey plan, your development must meet all the conditions of approval. We can assist you in preparing all the relevant supporting information to process your plan sealing request quickly and efficiently.

How to request

You can request pre-assessment of plan sealing by emailing us the request form.
Email to: [email protected]

Plan sealing pre-assessment request form

You must pay the applicable fee for Council to review documentation before you submit a Plan Sealing application.


This service is suitable for customers seeking preliminary advice or early feedback on plan sealing compliance matters, prior to lodgement of plan sealing applications, such as:

  • Condition compliance
  • Documentation requirements (e.g., legal documents, certifications)
  • Other matters requiring written confirmation.

What we need from you:

You may provide documents for pre-assessment such as evidence of conditions compliance and other documents at the point of lodging the request.