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We offer planning and development advice before you commit to purchase. Book a pre-purchase online meeting to conduct due diligence checks prior to purchasing a specific property.

How to book a pre-purchase online meeting

Pre-purchase meetings are a 30 minute online-only meeting. They involve up to two Council officers (planner/engineer). They are held online via MS Teams.

Book online here


Your pre-purchase meeting can:

  • outline general legislative requirements
  • identify likely site constraints
  • identify potential opportunities for development
  • advise known information on existing land use rights
  • advise where external referrals are required
  • identify future road or network planning requirements


This service does not include written advice or information usually obtained from a standard or full planning and development certificate.

We recommend you obtain a standard or full planning certificate (depending on requirements) before purchasing a property.

Any advice provided does not constitute approval of a development proposal.

What we need from you:

Please provide any additional information, plans or proposals at least five business days prior to the meeting.