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How to use the online plumbing inspection system

View more information on how to use our online plumbing inspection system.

Below are a series of how to videos to help you get the most out of the online plumbing inspection system.

'How to' video 1 - Introduction to online plumbing inspections system

View the full transcript for 'how to' video 1 - introduction to online plumbing inspections system.

'How to' video 2 - Registration for online plumbing inspections system

View the full transcript for 'how to' video 2 - registration for online plumbing inspections system.

'How to' video 3 - Lodge an electronic form 7

View the full transcript for 'how to video 3 - lodge an electronic form 7.

'How to' video 4 - Viewing your plumbing permits online

View the full transcript for 'how to' video 4 - viewing your plumbing permits online.

'How to' video 5 - Permit details, booking and changing inspections

View the full transcript for 'how to' video 5 - permit details, booking and changing inspections.

'How to' video 6 - Uploading documents to online plumbing inspection system

View the full transcript for 'how to' video 6 - uploading documents to online plumbing inspection system.