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We are currently experiencing a high volume of file retrieval and search requests, please note that your request may take 10 to 20 business days.

If you are looking for plans and documents for a house, multiple dwelling or commercial building, council may have copies. Request a file retrieval for a copy of building, plumbing or development files. Availability of files can depend on the age of the building.

Where available within council records, a file retrieval includes a copy of:

  • approval documents and plans
  • decision notice, and
  • reports.

Development files after 1 January 2007 are available at no charge via Development.i.

For pre2007 development approvals and plans, complete a building, plumbing and development file retrieval form.

Commercial building files are kept for the life of the building. This includes multi-unit residential approvals.

Refer to Plumbing Searches for:

  • copy of plumbing inspection certificate
  • plumbing as-constructed drainage plans 
  • plumbing records

Older records

Domestic building and plumbing files pre1996 are not available for retrieval. This includes files for standard dwellings and related class 10 structures.

Note: Other records may not be available.

Requesting a file retrieval

Council offers several ways to retrieve a file.

You can request a file retrieval online through MyCouncil. You will need to register to use this service. Once you have logged in:

  1. go to the Applications tile
  2. select +Submit a new application
  3. go to Certificates and Searches for Property Information
  4. select Building, Plumbing and Development File Retrieval.

For help with MyCouncil:

Alternatively, you can submit the building, plumbing and development file retrieval form (DOCX, 293KB) and pay the applicable fee by email, in person or by post. Charges for retrieval of file documents, which includes decision notice/permit, approved plans, referenced documents and certificates, is payable once invoiced. Refer to fees and charges. (PDF, 421KB) We are unable to provide a refund on requests for files predating the dates listed above.

You can contact council's development services for more information.