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Development compliance activities are essential to ensure that development occurs lawfully. It minimises the risk of impacts on the environment, public health and safety. It also ensures that infrastructure is delivered to appropriate standards.

Council ensures development complies with the provisions of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. Under the scheme, conditions of approval specify how a development can be carried out.

You can search Development.i for past and current applications details on the Sunshine Coast.

Find out how to comment or make a submission on a development application.

Applications lodged under the Economic Development Act 2012 are not on Development.i. These are managed by Economic Development Queensland as priority development areas (PDA).

This includes Caloundra South PDA and Maroochydore City Centre PDA.

Find out more about your specific matter below.

Report an issue

Advertising devices and signs

Advertising devices and signs

For advertising signage on power poles, refer to Energex.

Movable advertising devices are known as temporary advertising. This can include real estate and election signs. It also includes temporary roadside banners.

Council’s local law regulates temporary signs. Read our information pack about managing roadsides

Permanent advertising signs on the Sunshine Coast are regulated under the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.

Refer to:

A development permit for building work is needed for advertising signs that do not comply with the accepted development requirements of the Building Regulation 2021, schedule 1 section 6. This relates to building work for the erection of a sign that is:

  • detached from a building
  • no higher than 2m, and
  • no wider than 1.2m.
Report an advertising device

Condition of development approvals

Condition of development approvals

Conditions of development approval specify how a development is to be carried out. These conditions ensure compliance with the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 provisions, including protection and reduction of potential impacts on the environment and amenity of the surrounding area.

You can search Development.i for existing development approvals.

Report a development work issue

Driveway construction

Driveway construction

Conditions may apply when building a driveway and vehicle crossover on council-controlled land. You must have written council approval before:

  • constructing an industrial/commercial crossover
  • constructing a new non-standard crossover
  • modifying an existing crossover's profile, surface, dimensions or materials to a non-standard.

Basic maintenance to driveways does not need council approval.

In the first instance, for issues with a driveway under construction you should contact the private building certifier.

You can search Development.i for basic information about recent building permits on the Sunshine Coast. This includes details of the responsible certifier.

Read information about driveway construction.

Report a driveway construction issue



Filling and excavation may need a development permit for operational work from council. This depends on the extent of the work and the specific requirements relating to the site. Council’s fact sheet on earthworks has details on when a permit is required.

You can search Development.i for existing or in progress development applications.

Report an issue with earthworks

Material stripped from building sites must be stockpiled on the site or legally disposed of. 

Illegal dumping is the unlawful disposal of any type of waste material that is 200 litres or more in volume. This is about the volume of a wheelie bin.

Report dumped construction material

Noise nuisance from land clearing, earthworks, new developments or subdivisions

Noise nuisance from land clearing, earthworks, new developments or subdivisions

Council regulates noise from development and construction sites.

Noise is acceptable from building work, including site deliveries between 6:30am-6:30pm on a business day or Saturday. Noise is not permitted at any time on any other day (including public holidays).

You can search Development.i to view information about existing or in-progress development applications or permits.

Find out more about noise nuisances and their regulations.

Report a noise issue

Private construction activity on public land

Private construction activity on public land

There are a number of activities on public land that require approval. These include:

  • constructing a driveway crossover
  • temporary fencing on public land for a building or structure under construction or repair
  • temporary scaffolding or site sheds
  • storing materials on public land
  • building over public infrastructure, like stormwater pipes.
Report work on public land

Unlawful use of private property

Unlawful use of private property

Council’s Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme regulates the use and development of land through its provisions.

The planning scheme only regulates new development. Existing uses can continue to operate indefinitely, provided they were established lawfully. A change in the nature or scale of an existing use may require a material change of use application.

The owner is responsible for checking a use can be lawfully conducted from that premise. For some uses, a separate license or permit may also be required. You can check council’s Development.i site report to see if there are current approvals and what planning scheme provisions exist for the site.

Examples of use on private property that may need a development permit include:

  • short term accommodation
  • caravans for residential purposes
  • animal keeping
  • home based businesses
  • nature based tourism
  • non-habitable buildings for residential purposes
  • events on private property.

Read about council's local law that deals with temporary homes.

Report a use of premises

Vegetation removal and clearing

Vegetation removal and clearing

Clearing native vegetation in Queensland is regulated by the Australian and Queensland governments. Council also regulates clearing, including vegetation and trees on private property. 

Vegetation clearing requirements fact sheet (DOCX, 1.9MB)

Some activities may be exempt. Please refer to council’s vegetation clearing information.

You must have a development permit from council to remove protected vegetation on private property. This includes:

  • cutting down trees
  • chopping into or damaging the trunk of a tree
  • pruning to the extent that the tree is likely to die
  • clearing of plants within under storey areas (below the tree canopy).

Trees on property boundaries are also subject to the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011.

There are occasions when council will approve a permit to remove or damage vegetation on a road verge. This includes during building, renovating or constructing a driveway.

Report vegetation clearing

Council is committed to ensuring accessibility for everyone, please contact council if you need assistance on this page.