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Each year river and catchment health on the Sunshine Coast is assessed under the ecosystem health monitoring program (EHMP) by Healthy Land and Water.

Since 2001 council has contributed to the EHMP as a partner of the healthy land and water network, which works to monitor and improve the health of waterways across South-east Queensland.

The EHMP is one of the most comprehensive freshwater, estuarine and marine monitoring programs in Australia.

The annual report cards produced by the EHMP highlight where waterway health is improving or declining, and provides information on what is needed to maintain or improve waterway condition.

Council monitoring

Council also undertakes independent monitoring of water quality and other measures in Sunshine Coast waterways. This program has been going since 2001 and 44 sites in 15 different waterways are currently monitored each month.

Council staff also undertake targeted monitoring to support pollution investigations and planning and management of waterways in environmental and urban areas. Surveys include water quality, fish and macroinvertebrates (waterbugs).


Waterwatch programs operate as community-based networks of local volunteers who test the water quality of local creeks across different catchments on a monthly basis.

The data gathered by the Waterwatch volunteers provides regular observations about local creeks. If unusual results are noticed during the monthly water quality sampling, these results are reported to council to investigate.

In this way the vigilance of the Waterwatch volunteers helps to protect waterway health.

Waterwatch programs are coordinated by local catchment and landcare groups with support through council's environment levy. If you are interested in becoming a Waterwatch volunteer in your catchment please contact:

More information

If you have an enquiry about waterways monitoring on the Sunshine Coast, please contact council. Waterways and wetlands are a theme of council's environment and liveability strategy. Council is working to protect our waterways to help deliver a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast.