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The Sunshine Coast Major Events Strategy 2018-2028 (2023 refresh) seeks to ensure the region realises its full potential, ensuring that major events contribute fully to the vision for the Sunshine Coast region to be Australia’s most sustainable region – healthy, smart and creative.

Council’s vision for the strategy is for the region to be recognised as the premier regional events destination in Australia – where major events deliver maximum results.


The Sunshine Coast Major Events Strategy 2018-2028 (2023 refresh) provides a 5 year framework which seeks to maximise the value of major events to the economy and to the region. The strategy has been developed by council in close consultation with the Sunshine Coast Events Board and informed through valuable contributions from the tourism and event industry and key regional partners.


The strategy outlines the regions approach to the acquisition, support and assessment of the annual calendar of Sunshine Coast major event products that drive visitation and economic benefit and is designed to build on the foundations of success established through the previous Sunshine Coast major and regional events strategy 2013-2017.

It is also designed to align with and contribute to the desired outcomes of the Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Strategy 2013-2033, and to assist council in achieving the broader regional and community objectives envisioned in the Sunshine Coast Council Corporate Plan 2023-2027.

The Major Events Sponsorship Program has a vital role to play in the overall tourism strategy for the region, with events being key drivers of visitation, promotion of the destination and long-term brand development of the Sunshine Coast.


For more information about staging a major event on the Sunshine Coast contact our Major Events team [email protected].

The major events team has experienced partnership officers to guide you through the sponsorship application process, support you through the permit process, and connect you with local event industry suppliers.

Sunshine Coast Events Board

Collectively the nine member Sunshine Coast Events Board provides strong leadership and sound advice in support of council's Sunshine Coast Major Events Strategy 2018-2028 (2023 refresh).


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