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Asbestos disposal is temporarily unavailable at Nambour Landfill, Cooney Road Nambour.

Disposal of asbestos sheeting

You need to complete an application for each load of asbestos you wish to dispose of, and submit it to council no later than 48 hours before the date you are planning to dispose of the asbestos. 

Complete the disposal of asbestos application form (DOCX, 334KB).

All asbestos waste, other than less than 250kg of domestic waste, must be accompanied by a regulated waste tracking certificate. Waste tracking certificates are available from Queensland Government website.

As a general guide, 250kg of typical flat asbestos cement sheet waste would occupy about a quarter of a trailer.

In addition, an environmental authority is required to self-haul more than 250kg asbestos waste, or otherwise transport more than 175kg of asbestos waste.

For more details, contact council.

Please note: Asbestos removal is extremely hazardous and council strongly recommends that do-it-yourself renovators use a licensed operator to carry out the removal to avoid long-term health risks to themselves or future occupants.

More information about asbestos is available on the Queensland Government website.

Asbestos in soil

Under Queensland Government rules, asbestos in soil is either handled as contaminated land or as regulated waste depending on the volumes and source of material. For further advice, visit the Asbestos transport and disposal page on the Queensland Government website.

To request disposal of soil, complete the Special waste disposal form.

For information on whether asbestos in soil is exempt from the waste levy, refer to DESI guideline.

Examples of asbestos cement roofing and sheeting.

Examples of asbestos cement roofing and sheeting.