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The Sunshine Coast has over one hundred kilometres of coastal foreshores. Read about the management and protection of our coasts and marine environments.


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    Each year from October, millions of short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) transverse vast areas of open ocean from the arctic region westward towards Australia to breed.

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    Over the past twelve months council officers have been collecting planktonic samples from several inshore locations to examine what our “normal” jellyfish communities look like throughout the summer months.

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    From November to March, 6 sites were sampled monthly using a plankton net and the variety of life that was discovered was astounding.

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    Stonefish live in coastal shallow waters, estuaries and creek mouths along the Australian coastline, including on the Sunshine Coast.

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    Each summer over the past 5 years, council officers have collected plankton samples from our waterways to better understand the microscopic life of the Sunshine Coast. During January 2020, we collected a number of very small and very young jellyfish within our estuarine and offshore sample sites.