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    Unlike their popular relative the edible asparagus, these asparagus species are not ones you want to grow in your garden!

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    The plan prioritises plants listed as restricted and locally significant invasive plants for management.

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    Blue thunbergia however, is one of the highest priority invasive plants with the management response being eradication.

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    Plants grow in open pasture, along roadside verges, in bush margins and in deeply shaded areas in forests.

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    Scientists discovered that cane toad eggs release an attractant, which draws in other cane toad tadpoles who predate on the eggs.

  • Dutchman's pipe

    The vine is now an invader of rainforests, riparian areas, roadsides, disturbed areas, bushlands and even plantation crop areas.

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    This weed reproduces by seed which is often dispersed by fruit eating birds and floods.

  • European fox sitting on dusty sandy ground.

    The broad dietary niche of the red fox in a hybrid coastal ecosystem in south-eastern Queensland.

  • Honey locust tree with large thorns and leaves on branches.

    There are not many plants found on the Sunshine Coast that’s spikes can compare to those of the honey locust tree.

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    Is it a noxious weed or great habitat?

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    Find out how to care for your bushland by managing Singapore daisy and other invasive groundcovers.

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    Before you get started with weed management make sure you get to know the difference between beneficial native plants and invasive ones.

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    Are you planting a native melastoma or an invasive weed?

  • Mexican bean tree

    The Mexican bean tree is a fast growing tree, it has the potential to outcompete native plants and pose a threat to riparian and rainforest ecosystems.

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    The pink hibiscus plant has a clump of large burrs on it, rough around the edges, and smallish flowers.

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    There are several species of invasive grasses that are on the high priority list for management under the Sunshine Coast local government area biosecurity plan 2017.