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How does this project relate to the nearshore nourishment trial?

How does this project relate to the nearshore nourishment trial?

It has a similar goal, to protect our beaches from erosion. The nearshore nourishment trial moves a smaller quantity of sand and couldn’t place sand in front of the Alexandra Headland Surf Club as it needed to provide an exclusion buffer around the reef. Council doesn’t have the results of the trial yet but will share then with the community as soon as information becomes available.

Maroochy River is a declared fish habitat area (FHA), will it be impacted by the works?

Maroochy River is a declared fish habitat area (FHA), will it be impacted by the works?

The proposed sand extraction works are outside the FHA. Strict operating conditions and monitoring will ensure no undesirable impacts occur.

Where will the sand delivery pipeline be located?

Where will the sand delivery pipeline be located?

The permanent pipeline extends around the Cotton Tree Caravan Park shoreline and then sits behind the Maroochydore beach dune line. It ends near the Alexandra Headland skate park.

The section near the river mouth is buried. The southern sections are constructed above ground, towards the back of the dune, with visual screening in place.

Will the works impact on the shorebirds that use the Maroochy River?

Will the works impact on the shorebirds that use the Maroochy River?

The project has been assessed and approved by the federal department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, who consider the impacts to shorebirds. The project will occur outside of known shorebird migration periods (October and April) to minimise any impacts.

Will the works impact on Maroochy River fisheries?

Will the works impact on Maroochy River fisheries?

The project has been assessed and approved by the state department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, who consider the impact on fisheries. The dredge area is outside of the fish habitat area and no marine plants will be disturbed as part of these works there it will not impact fisheries resources.

Is the Maroochy River sand of suitable quality to place on Maroochydore beach?

Is the Maroochy River sand of suitable quality to place on Maroochydore beach?

Sediment sampling has identified a target dredge area where the sand is the same shape and colour as Maroochydore beach sand and does not contain any contaminants.

Will any dune or other vegetation be disturbed or destroyed?

Will any dune or other vegetation be disturbed or destroyed?

Minor vegetation may occur during the works, any areas of disturbance will be revegetated after the works have been completed.

When will operations take place and will it cause significant noise disturbance?

When will operations take place and will it cause significant noise disturbance?

Some noise associated with the works is expected. This noise will not exceed typical construction noise. Work will take place seven days a week, up to 12 hours a day from June to 30 September.

Will beach access be restricted?

Will beach access be restricted?

Access to Maroochydore beach will be restricted within a small area (approximately 50m x 50m) where earth moving machinery is used to progressively profile the sand throughout the project. This location will vary depending on the stage of the works.

Will the proposed works solve shoreline erosion problems along Maroochydore beach?

Will the proposed works solve shoreline erosion problems along Maroochydore beach?

The beach will still suffer erosion from time to time, however the added sand will help the beach to respond to these events in a more natural way and provide added security to the adjacent assets.