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Open Development.i site report for easy to access general town planning details for a property, such as:

  • planning scheme zoning and overlay information
  • interactive mapping links
  • applications and approval information relating to your site, and
  • other general development information such as water and sewer infrastructure and flooding overlays.

It also gives you direct links to:

  • application information via Development.i
  • mapping layers via MyMaps
  • State related assessment information via the State Government's SARA DA mapping system
  • water and sewer infrastructure information via Unitywater's web mapping application.

The report makes finding town planning information easier for:

  • land owners
  • potential purchasers
  • real estate agents
  • private building certifiers
  • development consultants.

The report is best viewed on a desktop computer. It is device responsive, so it can be used from anywhere at anytime through a tablet or smart phone.

For more information refer to the Development.i site report fact sheet (DOCX, 2440KB).

More information

If you would like more information, please contact council's development services.