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Gallery Seventy-Seven is a unique gallery space situated at 77 Bulcock Street Caloundra. The photographic artwork is visible only at night. It is illuminated through the windows and viewed by public passing by on Bulcock Street and through Felicity Park.

Browse a unique collection of images from local photographers and artists.

Currently exhibiting

Dr Kym Tabulo

Kym Tabulo is an abstract art scholar, practitioner and teacher. She has held solo and group exhibitions in Australia, London and New York and is known internationally as an abstract comics artist. She lives locally and is the Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance secretary, as well the Artist in Residence at Pacific Lutheran College. Her work for Gallery 77 combines original paintings and photographs, using a drawing tablet to produce digital collages, changing the way Tabulo creates and displays her work.

Her concept is to produce images that are like stained glass windows. Each plant is in her garden and she wanted to glorify their beauty in the same way icons are represented in the stained glass of churches. By doing this she wishes to draw the viewers attention to the wonders of nature in the hope that they will consider living in a way that will protect our environment.