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Registering and licensing

Council issues annual registration renewals for all registered animals, there are also restrictions to the number of dogs you may keep.

Animal management is governed by regulations outlined in the Animal Management Local Laws. There are several regulations you should be aware of when owning a dog.

Dog registration

All dog owners must register their dog.

Current animal registrations allow council to easily reunite your lost animal. Ensure all your registration details are current by updating registration details. The registration and renewal year for dog and cat registrations starts 1 October and expires 30 September annually.

Maximum number of dogs

Local laws permit two dogs per property. In unit complexes you must check with the body corporate whether animals are allowed. If you want to keep more than two dogs you must apply to council. Complete and return the following form.

Fencing requirements

Dog owners must prevent their dogs from roaming and causing a nuisance. Fenced enclosures are required to contain dogs on properties. The fence must be constructed in a manner to stop animals from escaping.

Animals in outdoor dining areas

The rules for animals in outdoor dining areas are outlined under the Queensland Food Act 2006. Visit Queensland Health website to view the below fact sheets.

  • Fact sheet #8 - Animals in food premises.
  • Fact sheet #49 - Dogs in outdoor dining areas - information for food businesses.
  • Fact sheet #50 - Dogs in outdoor dining areas - information for customers.

Where dogs are allowed in an outdoor dining area, the business owner has the right to refuse or allow dogs to be present. This is done at the business owner's discretion and does not apply to assistance dogs. If you bring your dog to an outdoor dining area remember:

  • your dog is your responsibility
  • keep your dog under control
  • remove your dog from the premises if you become aware of the dog's need to urinate or defecate
  • clean up after your dog
  • inform a staff member of any dog waste on the premises.

For more information refer to Dogs in outdoor areas fact sheet (DOCX, 3.97KB)

Assistance dog

An 'assistance dog' refers to:

  • guide dog
  • a dog trained to assist a person in activities where hearing is required
  • any other animal trained to assist a person to alleviate the effect of a disability.

This definition is contained in section 9 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

Working dog

A 'working dog' refers to a dog usually kept or proposed to be kept:

  • on rural land; and
  • by an owner who is a primary producer, or a person engaged or employed by a primary producer; and
  • primarily for the purpose of
    • droving, protecting, tending or working stock; or
    • being trained in droving, protecting, tending. or working stock
  • Working dog fact sheet (DOCX, 208KB)