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The term 'regulated dog' is used to refer to:

  • declared dangerous dogs
  • declared menacing dogs.


The following definitions apply to regulated dogs.


A dangerous dog declaration may be made for a dog if the dog:

  • has seriously attacked someone, or another animal
  • has acted in a way that causes fear to someone, or another animal
  • may – in the opinion of an authorised person – seriously attack someone, or another animal, or
  • may act in a way that causes fear to someone, or another animal.

Seriously attack means causing bodily harm, grievous bodily harm or death.


A menacing dog declaration may be made for a dog if it behaved in a way defined as 'dangerous', except that the attack was not serious.


Following legislative changes in August 2024, the following breeds of dogs are restricted:

  • American Pit Bull Terriers
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Perro de Presa or Presa Canario.

Note: A person must not own, or be a responsible person for, a prohibited dog unless the person has a reasonable excuse.

Reporting a dog attack

If a dog attacks you or your pet:

  • contact council to report the incident as soon as possible. Describe the dog and any registration or owner details. Provide adequate details so that the matter can be investigated
  • advise council if the animal is still at large so council can try to impound it to ensure it doesn’t cause more injuries
  • get treatment from a doctor or vet. Ask the doctor or vet for a statement of attendance that records your visit
  • take photographs of any injuries
  • write a statement of events while the incident is fresh in your mind.

Regulated dog owner requirements

Once a dog has been declared dangerous or menacing the owner must comply with certain requirements.

Owners are required to:

  • pay higher registration fees
  • provide and maintain adequate child-proof fencing
  • have the dog desexed (dangerous and restricted dogs only)
  • have the dog microchipped
  • have the dog wear the provided red & yellow collar and yellow tag at all times
  • have the dog muzzled when in a public place (dangerous dogs only)
  • comply with council restrictions on where the dog can be exercised
  • display signage on gates or entries to their property
  • obtain a permit (restricted dogs only).

Regulated dog inspection program

Council undertakes annual inspection programs during the regulation month the dog was declared.

The program focuses on regulated dogs. A regulated dog is a dog which has been declared under the Animal Management Act 2008 to be:

  • dangerous
  • menacing

The officers audit the premises where the regulated dogs are being kept. The audit checks the dog is being kept in line with imposed mandatory conditions:

  • containment
  • tags
  • signage
  • registration
  • collar
  • microchip

Council is required to complete this audit under the Animal Management Act 2008.

A copy of the most recent program is available on council's Ordinary Meeting Minutes 26 September 2024.


For more information, please contact council or refer to the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008.