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Nominations are now CLOSED. Any nominations received from 5pm, Tuesday 30 April 2024 will be ineligible.

Biosphere Business of the Year sponsored by Unitywater

Nomination criteria 

This award is for outstanding contribution by a local business that has made a significant contribution to the economy and community, with a strong sustainability focus. Nominations require 300-500 words addressing assessment criteria. 

Assessment criteria 

Demonstrated achievement in one or more of the following:  

  • positively contributing to the local economy and community  
  • applying circular economy principles to product innovation and/or incorporating circularity in sustainable business leadership 
  • alignment with one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or adopting the SDGs into business practice ​  
  • commitment to one or more of the Sunshine Coast Biosphere values ​(celebration, participation, innovation, belonging)  
  • commitment aligned to one or more of the Sunshine Coast Biosphere objectives​ (people, conservation, development, research/learning)  
  • demonstrated commitment to sustainability principles and sustainable practices e.g., waste, water, energy, responsible supply chains and business operations (including governance).

Review the 2024 awards entry rules.