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Nominations are now CLOSED. Any nominations received from 5pm, Tuesday 30 April 2024 will be ineligible.

Community - group or organisation sponsored by Sunshine Coast Daily. 

Nomination criteria 

A group or organisation that has shown significant contribution toward developing a more socially cohesive and sustainable community. Nominations require 300-500 words addressing assessment criteria. 

Assessment criteria 

Demonstrated achievement in one or more of the following: 

  • embracing diversity, equity and inclusion while maintaining social interaction through families, neighbourhoods or organisations
  • First Nations, multicultural or migrant community engagement
  • supporting volunteering, skills development, innovation and knowledge sharing 
  • planning for success including career development for the region’s community services sector
  • mobilising significant will within local communities to work collectively towards a healthy, liveable and sustainable Sunshine Coast
  • displaying exceptional leadership and participation within the community
  • building community partnerships and fostering resource sharing
  • activities which result in the short and long term benefits (positive legacy) for the community as well as promoting welfare and wellbeing
  • improving connectedness within and between our ‘community of communities’.

Review the 2024 awards entry rules.