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There is always a risk of a disaster or emergency happening on the Sunshine Coast. It's important you prepare for an emergency and you know what to do when one happens. 

What to do in an emergency

If the situation is life threatening phone triple zero 000 to contact police, ambulance, or fire brigade. 

The call is free from all mobile phones, even if you phone has no credit on it.

Let the operator know if you need a translating and interpreting service.

Learn about natural disasters in your language

Read translated fact sheets about natural disasters and how you can better prepare for:

  • bushfires
  • cyclones
  • earthquakes
  • floods
  • severe weather.

Prepare for a disaster or emergency

Yourself, your family, your home and your business need to be prepared for a disaster or emergency.

The Get Ready Queensland website has fact sheets, check lists and step by step instructions on how to prepare.

During a disaster event

Council's DisasteHub includes everything you need to know during a disaster event, including:

  • emergency warnings
  • road closures
  • evacuation centres
  • power outages.

Also listen to local ABC radio station 90.3 FM for updates and warnings.

State Emergency Service

If you require rescue services during a flood or storm phone 132 500.

Financial assistance grants

These fact sheets provide translated information about financial assistance that may be available should a disaster occur. This could include: 

  • emergency hardship assistance
  • essential services hardship assistance 
  • essential household contents
  • structural assistance grant
  • essential services safety and reconnection.