Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Justice and the law

Advice to help you understand your legal rights and services to help you with legal issues.

Queensland Police Service

The police are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of our community.

If it is an emergency or the crime is happening now, phone triple zero 000 and ask for “Police”

If is not an emergency and the crime has already happened, phone Policelink on 131 444.

Legal help

All Australians have, under the law, the right to seek justice. 

Legal Aid provides free legal assistance if you are eligible, phone 1300 651 188.

Suncoast Community Legal Services Inc. provide quality legal advice, information through volunteers and staff, phone 5443 7827

Refugee and Immigration Legal Service give free advice to immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Queensland, phone (07) 3846 9300.

Justice of the Peace

A Justice of the Peace acts as a witness to official documents used for legal purposes. Search the online directory to find your local Justice of the Peace.  

Your rights and the law

Australia laws protect your human rights. You have rights that cover your employment, property, safety and privacy. When you buy goods and services and to protect you from discrimination. 

Learn more about your rights from Queensland Government

If you experience racism

Racism is unacceptable in our society. If you suffer harassment or abuse based on your looks, country of origin or religion, support is available.

For more information is avaliable from the Queensland Human Rights Commission or phone 1300 130 670.