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The Sunshine Coast Environment and Liveability strategy supports First Nations peoples continuous connection to country.

Sunshine Coast Environment and Liveability Strategy

The Sunshine Coast Environment and Liveability Strategy provides long term strategic direction to shape the region by guiding growth and delivering the transformational change required to maintain a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast in 2041 for future generations.

The strategy focuses on the preservation and enhancement of the natural environment and the liveability of the region, enabling a good quality of life for all residents and supporting a strong economy in an accessible and well-connected built environment.

Transformational actions have been intentionally designed to contribute to multiple theme outcomes and do not align specifically with individual policy positions.

These transformational actions will be delivered through five strategic pathways that guide implementation and assist in achieving a healthy environment and a liveable Sunshine Coast:

  1. A resilient region shaped by clever planning and good design
  2. Protection and enhancement of our natural assets and distinctive landscapes
  3. Responsive, accessible and well managed assets and infrastructure
  4. Transitioning to a sustainable and affordable way of living
  5. A reputation for innovation and sustainability

First Nations environment

First Nations have held a continuous and ongoing connection to Country. As the First peoples of Australia the Kabi Kabi Traditional Custodians and Jinibara Traditional Custodians were the first inhabitants of the Sunshine Coast and continue to exercise their rights as First Nations.

There is high demand for access to First Nations knowledge, cultural tourism, community development practices and environmental practices/partnerships in the smart economy.

Council supports and encourages partnerships with First Nations and ally investment through its Reconciliation Action Plan, Grants program and partnerships with First Nations through Native Title and agreement making processes.

Council supports increased First Nations participation through its committees and groups.

Some of councils' key environmental programs supporting First Nations include:

More information

Customer enquiries relating to the region’s Traditional Custodians, council’s Reconciliation Action Plan or other First Nations projects supported by council, can be emailed to the First Nations Partnerships team.