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Creative Industries​ Investment Program is jointly funded through the Sunshine Coast Arts and Heritage Levy and the Sunshine Coast Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). The program provides up to three years of funding to organisations and groups for established arts and cultural initiatives that support the strategic development of the local arts ecology and deliver significant cultural benefit to the Sunshine Coast Region.

Organisations and groups must demonstrate sustainable arts business models, sound governance and ethical practices including cultural protocols.

Information on eligibility, category priorities and assessment criteria

When funding is available

  • Expressions of interest are open now and will close Monday 22 July 2024.

What funding is available

  • It is recommended that requests for funding are between $5,000 and $20,000 per year for up to three years.
  • More significant funding may be available for an initiative that demonstrates existing and ongoing significant cultural benefit to the region. Applications for more than $20,000 must be discussed with council’s Creative Development Team before any application for funding is made.
  • Please note that this is the third and final year in the current funding cycle.

When will I know if I have been successful

  • Outcomes will be announced mid-October 2024.

How to apply

  • Contact the Creative Development Officer at [email protected] to discuss your project and ensure eligibility.
  • Applications must be submitted online.


  • All applications are assessed by the RADF Panel who make recommendations to council.

Other considerations when applying for funding


  • For more information about the CIIP program or help planning the application, please contact Council's Creative Development Officer on (07) 5420 8628 or [email protected]
  • For any technical support (e.g. assistance with logging in or submitting applications), please contact (07) 5420 8008.
  • Office hours are 8.30am–4.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).