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Why we need parking regulations

Why we need parking regulations

Parking regulations assist in achieving accessibility and convenience for all members of the community. Council's approach to parking aims to:

  • assist in ensuring the safety of all road users
  • promote equitable and transparent allocation of parking spaces across all user groups
  • encourage the use of alternative transport modes such as bus, train, walking and cycling
  • reduce traffic congestion, energy consumption and vehicle emissions
  • accommodate the needs of local businesses and visitors to the city
  • encourage turnover of traffic to provide increased parking opportunities in support of the local business community
  • encourage longer-term parkers to use less convenient spaces such as those off-street or on the city fringe.

How close can I park to the corner

How close can I park to the corner

Drivers cannot park within 10 metres of an intersecting road at an intersection without traffic lights (unless a sign allows parking).

This ensures that when you are turning out of an intersection, you can more easily see pedestrians and other traffic. It also ensures that trucks (including fire engines and garbage trucks) can access your area.

What is the difference between no stopping and no parking

What is the difference between no stopping and no parking

No stopping means that you cannot stop your vehicle at all.

No parking means you can stop your vehicle for up to two minutes, provided that the driver stays within three metres of the vehicle. No parking is commonly used for passenger drop off and pick up areas such as around schools and shops.

What a yellow line means

What a yellow line means

This is a 'no stopping' zone. A driver must not stop at the side of a road marked with a continuous yellow edge line.

An edge line means, a line marked along the road at or near the far left or far right hand side of the road. There does not need to be a sign accompanying the yellow line.

Can I park on a nature strip/footpath?

Can I park on a nature strip/footpath?

Parking a vehicle wholly or partially on the nature strip or verge may be considered an offence under the Transport Operations Road Use Management (Road Rules) Regulation 2009. For more information see Parking on the verge.

Where can I park my vehicle on narrow roads

Where can I park my vehicle on narrow roads

When vehicles park opposite each other on narrow roads, the remaining vehicle width is typically insufficient for many cars and may not allow access for larger vehicles including Emergency Services vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances, as well as waste collection trucks.

When parking on a narrow road, you must position your vehicle so that there is at least 3 metres of the road alongside your vehicle enabling other vehicles to pass. You must also position your vehicle so your vehicle does not unreasonably obstruct the path of other vehicles or pedestrians.

How much space should I leave when I park

How much space should I leave when I park

For safety reasons, you can't stop close to the following road features and signs, unless a sign specifically says that you can. The table below shows how many metres you need to leave before and after some common road features.

3 metres distance before, and after your car:

  • Australia Post mailbox.

1 metre distance before, and after your car:

  • fire hydrant.

10 metres distance before, and after your car:

  • intersection without traffic lights
  • safety zone.

20 metres distance before, and after your car:

  • intersection with traffic lights
  • level crossing.

10 metres distance before your car, and 3 metres after your car:

  • bike crossing with lights.

20 metres distance before your car, and 10 metres after your car:

  • bus stop
  • children's crossing
  • pedestrian crossing (not at an intersection).

What is the role of a parking officer

What is the role of a parking officer

Council's team of parking officers play an important role in creating a safe and accessible environment for motorists and pedestrians.

Parking officers are also an excellent source of parking information for visitors to the region, so please feel free to approach the team with your parking enquiries.

A truck always parks in my street. Is this allowed?

A truck always parks in my street. Is this allowed?

This depends on the size and weight of the truck.

To help keep our residential streets accessible, restrictions apply to long-term truck (heavy or long vehicle) parking.

Vehicles longer than 7.5 metres or heavier than 4.5 tonnes cannot park in residential areas for longer than one hour.

Is it against the law to park on the wrong side of the street

Is it against the law to park on the wrong side of the street

Yes, it is illegal. Drivers are required to park in the same direction as moving traffic when parked. This law exists for various reasons, ranging from the obstruction of your rear reflector lights at night to causing unnecessary confusion for other drivers.

How close can I park to a bus stop

How close can I park to a bus stop

You cannot stop your car within 20 metres before and 10 metres after a bus stop. These distances allow buses to access the bus stop easily and ensure passengers can safely get on or off a bus from the footpath.

What parking concessions are given to disability permit holders?

What parking concessions are given to disability permit holders?

Disability parking permit

You can use your Australian permit to park:

  • for free at any on-street parking in local government metered and regulated parking areas:
    • up to 30 minutes—when the time limit shown on a sign is less than this
    • for an unlimited time—when the time limit shown on a sign is 30 minutes or more.
  • in parking bays displaying the international symbol of access for on and off-street parking bays.

Private car parks may charge their own fees. You will need to check the terms and conditions of parking in private car parks.

Red permit

You can use your red permit to park according to the permit conditions in any off-street parking bay displaying the international symbol of access.

On-street parking is not permitted.

Private car parks may charge their own fees. You will need to check the terms and conditions of parking in private car parks.

Overseas and interstate permits

Valid overseas and interstate parking permits may be used in Queensland and are equivalent to the Australian permit.

Queensland parking rules apply.
