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Application for exemption from the garden organics service

Eligible properties can apply to be exempt from the garden organics service.

You can apply for an exemption if:

You use a professional gardener: You employ a professional gardener who removes all your garden organics for reuse.

However, it's worth checking with your gardener if they'd like to use your garden organics bin.

This may reduce your regular maintenance fee as the gardener will no longer need to dispose of your garden waste.

Evidence of this must be provided.

You compost your garden organics: You compost all your garden organics on-site.

Photographic evidence of the home composting system must be included.

Your land size is smaller than 300m² or larger than 5000m²: If your residential property is smaller than 300m² or larger than 5000m² you are automatically exempt from the service. You don't need to take any action. However, you may like to opt-in to the service if you wish to do so.

How to apply

  • You can apply if you are the property owner or a person authorised by the property owner.
  • Apply using the garden organics exemption request online form.
  • All details must be completed, and relevant supporting evidence included. Evidence must be sufficient to satisfy council that garden organics produced within the property will not be disposed of using the general waste bin and will be recycled on an ongoing basis.

Keeping your exemption

To maintain your garden organics service exemption, your property must not use the general waste or recycling bins for the disposal of garden organics.

General waste and recycling bins will be monitored by closed circuit cameras on the trucks.

Cancellation of your exemption

If an exemption has been granted for a premises and the premises is found to be using general waste or recycling bins for disposal of garden organics, the exemption will be automatically cancelled. A garden organics collection service will be set up for your property.

Moving property

An exemption only applies while you live in the property. If you sell your property and move to a new premises the exemption will be terminated and you will need to apply for a new exemption.