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Expanded garden organics service frequently asked questions

FAQs regarding the expanded garden waste bin service.

We expanded our residential bin services to include garden organics on 11 July 2022. 

Frequently asked questions

Find out more on the expanded garden organics bin service below.

We have expanded our garden organics service to single unit dwellings across the region to reduce waste going to landfill and move to a net zero emissions organisation by 2041.

Apartments, townhouses and duplexes can opt-in and request a garden organics service, please complete the online form. Council will arrange for a GO bin to be delivered.

If you rent and want a garden organics bin please contact your Body Corporate or property manager.

My bin has been stolen

Please contact council via this online form to replace your bin.

The lid of my new bin does not shut properly or my lid is bent

This can happen. Please leave bin in the sun for a couple of days and it will be fine.

My new bin is broken (not lid issue as above) or a wheel is missing or fallen off

Please contact us via this online form to report damage to your bin and we will organise repair or replacement.

When is my bin day?

Your garden organics bin will be emptied fortnightly, on alternate weeks to your recycling bin. Find out your collection day here.

What time of the day will my bin be collected?

Please put your bins out by 6.00am. Bin collection vehicles operate from 6.00am to 6.00pm and your bin can be emptied at any time during that window.

How will I know what to place in my new bin?

You can download the information pack (PDF, 1MB).

My bin hasn't been collected

Was it your correct week of service? The garden organics service is fortnightly, alternate week to your recycling day. Please check your collection day to ensure you are presenting the correct waste bin.

Did you present the bin for collection prior to 6.00am? Collection times will change, please ensure bins are presented prior to 6.00am and leave them there for the whole day.

How much does the garden organics bin cost?

$38 per year to help make the Sunshine Coast have no waste to landfill by 2041.

How big is the bin?

240L - 660mm deep x 585mm wide x 1060mm high.

How will this benefit me as a ratepayer?

A garden organics service is an easy, convenient and sustainable way to dispose of your:

  • lawn clippings
  • weeds
  • other garden waste.

The expanded service reduces the amount of material that goes into your general waste bin and landfill.

If you generate a lot of garden waste, such as grass clippings and prunings, you can spread it across multiple weeks collections.

You are also doing your bit for the environment, helping us create a cleaner, greener Sunshine Coast.

Why has council expanded the garden organics service?

It is part of our steps towards:

  • implementing a Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin service
  • a zero net emissions organisation
  • aiming at no waste to landfill by 2041 by reducing, reusing and recycling.

In February 2021, your feedback on how we should manage our future waste told us recycling and protecting our environment was very important and demonstrated overwhelming support for an expanded garden organics service.

There was overwhelming support to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our environment.

  • 74 per cent supported implementing a garden organics bin to eligible households.
  • 84 per cent agreed it was very important to provide a service to reduce organic waste in landfill and convert recovered organic material to useful by-products.
  • 83 per cent supported implementing a FOGO waste service.

Already composting? Got a gardener?

You can apply for an exemption.

What suburbs receive a garden organics service?

The program is region wide and applies to all suburbs within the Sunshine Coast Council boundaries.

My land is smaller than 300m² - do I need a garden organics bin?

Community feedback has told us that properties of this size generally do not generate garden waste.

Therefore, your property has been automatically made exempt from this garden organics service. However, you are still able to opt-in. To opt-in, please complete the online form.

My land is larger than 5000m² - do I need a garden organics bin?

Community feedback has told us that properties of this size generally dispose of their garden waste on their property. Therefore, your property has been automatically made exempt from this garden organics service.

However, you are still able to opt-in. To opt-in, please complete the online form.

What if I don't have room for another bin on my property?

We encourage everyone to get behind the program and recycle garden organics.

Households with genuine storage issues can contact council.

Will council still accept garden waste at the resource recovery centres?


What about the FOGO service?

Introducing garden organics services is the first step towards implementing a Food Organics and Garden Organics service across the Sunshine Coast.

We are currently investigating suitable processing facilities. The garden organics service can easily transition to a FOGO service in the future.

Can I order a 360L garden waste bin?

Not at this stage - the garden organics bin is 240L.

What happens to the garden waste?

It is mulched for reuse.

Can I access any of the mulch collected?

Coarse mulch is available at most Sunshine Coast waste facilities.

Check stock availability and quantity limits on the mulch and crushed concrete sales page.

Can I opt-out of general waste or recycling services?

No, these are compulsory services.