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Recycling tips, videos and guides

Watch our recycle right series and follow the simple tips to help you recycle correctly in your home.

Recycling is a simple way that you can make a difference towards a cleaner, greener and sustainable Sunshine Coast. By using your bins correctly, you can ensure:

  • recyclable materials get turned into new items
  • less waste goes to landfill
  • our staff are safe when handling your waste.

How to use your recycling bin

Place recyclable items in your yellow lid bin loose with no bag.

Accepted materialExamples
Paper/cardboardEgg cartons, cereal boxes, envelopes, clean pizza boxes, junk mail, milk and juice cartons
AluminiumSoft drink cans, empty aerosol cans, aluminium foil and trays (scrunched into a ball)
SteelEmpty food cans, empty aerosol cans (i.e. hairspray or air freshener)
GlassPasta sauce jars, jam jars, kombucha bottles
Plastic (bottles and containers only)Yogurt tubs, milk bottles, margarine tubs, strawberry punnets, shampoo bottles

Did you know aluminium cans are 100% recyclable? By recycling one aluminium can, we can save enough energy to power a TV for three hours. 

Using your recycling bin makes a big difference. Its saves us time, energy and money to reuse Earth’s resources. 

Follow our simple tips below to recycle right at home.

Recycling tips

Rethink and avoidWhile recycling is great, it is not our first choice. It is always best to avoid creating waste in the first place.
Keep it cleanMake sure bottles and containers are empty of food and contents before placing in the bin.
Keep it simple

Recyclables include items made from paper, cardboard, steel, aluminium, glass and plastic.

Packaging items from the kitchen, bathroom and laundry including:

Paper: newspaper, envelopes, magazines
Cardboard: pizza box, cereal box, milk cartons
Steel: tomato tin, corn tin, milo tin
Aluminium: soft drink can, aluminium foil scrunched into a ball
Glass: bottles and jars
Plastic: bottles and containers 

Keep it safeKeep hazardous items like batteries out of your kerbside bins. Return them to a drop off point instead.
Size does matterThe smallest size of an item for recycling is a yogurt tub. Anything else is too small and will fall through the cracks of the recycling machinery.

Recycling videos

Recycling guides

For more helpful information and tips on recycling, read council’s recycling fact sheets: