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Organic materials make up about half of what Queenslanders throw out each week. That adds up! It’s estimated that Australian households spend between $2,000 and $2,500 per year on food that is wasted.

Explore the options below to reduce your food waste at home and save money.

Love Food Hate Waste challenge 

Why take part in the three-week Love Food Hate Waste challenge?

  • Reduce food waste at home
  • Save time and money 
  • Reduce greenhouse gases at landfill.

The challenge will start on 15 July 2024, and will run until 5 August 2024. You can register at any time throughout the challenge. For more information contact [email protected].

Participants will receive:

  • weekly tips, tricks, challenges and links to resources for you to use at home. (Don't forget to share these with family, friends and colleagues)
  • end of challenge survey to see how well you have done
  • a chance to win prizes.

To join the Love Food Hate Waste library workshops, please register.

Meal planning

Meal planning

Planning what you’ll eat during the week will help you save money and reduce excess food waste.

  1. Check fridge, freezer and pantry to know what food you already have and what food you need.
  2. Make a weekly meal planner and create a shopping list. 
  3. When shopping, stick to your shopping list and stick to your budget. It’s great to make the most of sales, but if it’s not on your shopping list you probably don’t need it.


  • Have a snack before going shopping. If you are hungry, you are likely to buy more.
  • Serve up the right portions using our portion planner.
  • Use the free meal planner.

Food storage

Food storage

Correctly storing your food will keep help keep it fresh for longer. This will help to save money on your groceries and preserve food nutrients.

  1. Create a ‘use if up’ shelf for food that needs to be eaten. Make sure older food is at the front and visible.
  2. Freeze items you won’t eat in the next few days. You can add them to a future meal plan.
  3. Store food in well-sealed and labelled containers. Use the A to Z food storage guide.


Eat it up

Eat it up
  1. Once a week, make a meal that combines food that needs to be used up. Remember to keep old food on the ‘use it up’ shelf.
  2. Enjoy leftovers for lunches. The ‘Cook once, eat twice’ method is a great solution for time poor families.
  3. Freeze leftovers and enjoy them another time.


  • Find use it up recipes.
  • Tips to make your food go further.
  • Download Saveful to help you save food, money and time. This app will track your impact and see your savings grow.