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By yourself, with friends or a larger group, there's plentiful opportunities for horse riding on the Sunshine Coast.  From scenic and leisurely rides, beach rides through to longer committed adventures over multiple connected trails, there's 30 different routes to select including a range of great tracks for short rides, day trips and multi day adventure. Plan your ride at Adventure Sunshine Coast

Want to join a club and ride with like-minded people?

Sunny Coast Trail Horse Riders Club is a friendly, small yet active organisation which host rides from Landsborough in the South to Traverston in the north and as far inland as Connondale. There are rides from bush to beach to forests and along rivers. Part of the Australian Trail Horse Riders Association, the club is supported through council's Recreational Trails Partnership Program and offers affordable membership and low cost opportunities to participate in club rides.

For more information visit the website Sunny Coast Trail Horse Riders Club Inc or email enquiriessct@gmail