What council is doing
Council is working in collaboration with the state government and other local governments, community groups and land holders to protect against invasive plants.
A range of programs are being delivered to:
- prevent the further spread and establishment of high priority invasive plants
- strategically control certain invasive plants to prevent spread into agricultural and natural areas
- monitor high risk areas for new invasive plant incursions
- raise awareness of the need to protect the natural environment and agriculture from invasive plants
- provide education and support to the local community on the control of invasive plants
- adopt a unified, targeted approach by working in conjunction with other stakeholders (such as local and state governments, community groups and residents).
Biological control is the use of a plants natural enemies to prevent its spread.
Councils' Invasive Plant officers work to protect the biodiversity of the Sunshine Coast.
The Sunshine Coast Pest Plant field days program is working to educate Sunshine Coast residents about the impact pest plants have on the Sunshine Coast’s environment, economy and agriculture and control strategies for managing them.
Research trials are important for the ongoing fight against invasive plants.
Council has a number of programs to protect the Sunshine Coast biodiversity, agriculture, community and economy from the impacts of pest plants.
A 5-year project conducting a variety of weed management control options and research trials using innovative technologies.
Your Environment Levy funded project (2021-2026)